How do Vaccines work:

Safe, effective Covid-19 vaccines will protect against the virus, helping to prevent death and severe illness. But how do they work?

Really Corona virus in Covid-19 vaccines:

                 Like other vaccines such as the flu shot Covid-19 vaccines will be given with a needle. This triggers an immune response in the body, which is the body's natural way of defending itself.

                  Vaccines may contain either killed or weakened versions of the virus that causes the disease or a small part of the virus, such as a protein. There is no risk that you will get the disease from a vaccine.
                  Only in Traditional methods of creating vaccines contain the whole viruses, and this vaccine method is known as Viral Vector Vaccines.
                  Immune cells patrolling the body present the Spike protein (a crown-like structure) as foreign material to the helper 'T' cells, the conductors of the immune system. 
                  These 'T' cells alert the executors of the immune reaction. The killer cells and the antibody-producing cells can protect our bodies from the attack of the virus while also creating memory cells that remember the Spike protein of the Coronavirus, which are prepared for a future infection or disease caused by that same virus attack.
                  The most important outcome of vaccination is the development of immune memory. If the Corona Virus attacks after this, it has little chance of success. Antibodies cover the virus and thus prevent it from binding to our cells to cause infection.
                  Cells that have already been infected are ruthlessly destroyed by killer cells along with the viruses inside.
                  With vaccination, 90% of the infection do not develop into disease, and if they do, the course of the illness is much milder than without vaccination. These coronavirus vaccines have been given to several million people worldwide, who have become protected against the development of the disease.
                  As a result, you'll be less likely to have severe Covid-19 symptoms after vaccination.

                  The vaccine will strengthen your immune system by training it to recognize and fight against the virus that causes Covid-19.

Note:        The only efficient tool to eradicate the pandemic is vaccination. So get vaccinated and continue to keep the rules of social distancing and wearing a mask, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly.

The main difference between Traditional and Modern vaccines:

                The difference is that the modern mRNA vaccines do not contain the whole virus but only the blueprint (RNA) of an essential component called the spike protein (a crown-like structure).
                With the vaccine, only this blueprint, a short piece of RNA (copied RNA fragment) enters our body without altering our genetic code. This small RNA sequence, when injected into the muscle, initiates the production of spike proteins and then degrades. This method of vaccine is known as Genetic or mRNA Vaccines.
                With Traditional vaccines, the viral proteins, including the viral spike protein, are injected into the muscle, usually in inactivated viruses.

                The subsequent process is similar for all vaccine types.