Prepare Tea using Mathematics:
Assume that you are in a place with no things to produce heat we have only sunlight to produce the heat. Can we prepare tea using sunlight?
Is it a matter? In a country like India, ordinary sunlight is good enough to produce the heat in the vessel that correct, but we have only 5 minutes to prepare tea? Is it possible Science teaches away.Parabola:
One of the ways is to create a Solar heater using the Parabola is a U type structure, as we studied in school bend a wood as the exact structure of Parabola fix a reflecting substance like a mirror in the centre of the Parabola.
- Now we have created an effective solar heater, does it will meet our requirements?
Yes, it does it is all about the property of a Parabola when a light beam falls at any point in a Parabola, it will be reflected the same point that point is known as the focus of the Parabola the focus point of a Parabola is usually heater than any other points in it due to the convergence of the sunlight If we place our vessel at the focus point of a Parabola then our tea will get heated faster.
- How can I produce this kind of solar heater in my home?
- How can I calculate the focus point of a Parabola?
It can be calculated by using a simple formula that we learned in our school days y= ax assumes we created our parabolic heater using the formula y=4x If the distance from the centre is 1 meter, then the height is 4 meters.
- So, where should we place our tea vessel?
- How should we find the focus point of our Parabolic heater?
It can also be calculated by using a simple formula f=1/4 a by using this, and we can get a result of 1/16 meters means 6.25 cms if we place our vessel at a distance of 6.25 cms our vessel will get heated soon this is the specialty of the Parabola.
Using in our daily life:
In the same way, we can watch some people holding a Parabolic microphone in football or baseball stadiums. The same principle is applied there, the sound waves falling in the parabolic receiver will reflect the focus point because it converges all sound waves in a single focus the quality of sound will be optimally better.
Dish TV antennas are too working on the identical principle. Satellites revolving in the space will transmit the TV signals to our earth; it will travel in the form of waves. The waves will be reflected and travel to the same focus point. We placed a receiver at the focus point to receive clearly, and signal strength will be too damn high. The same principle is involved in DTH antennas and even in space crafts.
I suppose we are going to an interview for the companies producing Torchlight or Vehicle headlight do remember this why because, I suppose we randomly place a light in a lamp in car or bike, the light from the bulb will be distracted in all directions we can't see the road.
So light needs to be converged on the road to see it clearly; for this reason, a Parabolic reflector is placed near the bulb.
The light obtaining from the light source will be reflected in the Parabolic reflector and reflected on the road; the road will be clear to us.
We can observe the Parabolic curve at many areas even, a ball is thrown upward to obtain a Parabolic path.
The same principle is used in missile Technology the same equation is used in a lot of places.
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