Newton vs Einstein:

Newton and Einstein, the most commonly known geniuses to mankind!

However, Einstein discovered a flaw in one of Newton's law. Eager to know what that is? Here you go...

Gravity, one of the earliest discovered forces by humans, was discovered by Newton 300 years back.

Newton vs Einstein

The law of Gravity:

Using his Gravitational equation as a basis, we have been measuring Gravitational strengths to date.

For instance, in Rocket science...

Newton's gravitational equation

The determination of the path and speed of a Rocket is heavily dependent on the Gravitational strength that acts on the rocket.

Similarly, to keep a Satellite intact in its orbit around the Earth, the Gravitational strength or force acting on it must be determined beforehand.

In all these fields, to determine Gravity, scientists have been using Newton's gravitational equation as a basis so far (F=G× m1×m2 / r²).

Even though Newton's formula appears to be the most accurate to measure gravitational strength, he was unable to answer one profound question... that is HOW GRAVITY WORKS ?!

He never found the answer to this question during this lifetime. Not just Newton, many other scientists researched on this following Newton and no one was able to crack this for the next 200 years. Until, during the 20th century, a clerk was working in Swiz patent office. Every day after work, during his evening hours, he used to find time to research the behaviour of Light. As the outcome of his research, at the age of 26, he submitted a paper on SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY!

By now, you must know, he is none other than Einstein.

In this paper, he tells, the speed of light is constant and no object in this Universe can travel faster than light It is based on this concept, Einstein discovers a flaw in Newton's picture of Gravity.

To understand this better,

Let's experiment on our Solar system... Imaginary though :)

Newton's picture of Gravity

Special Theory of Relativity:

As we know, all planets in our Solar system revolve around the Sun in their respective orbit. Let's imagine the sun disappears instantaneously... BOOM...

In such a situation, as per Newton's picture of gravity, the moment the sun disappears, all plants must drift away from their orbits around the sun escaping the sun's Gravity instantly and travel away from the Solar system in space in a straight line, therefore, to conclude, per Newton's picture of gravity, two objects, no matter how far they are from each other, the gravitational impact acting on each other is instantaneous.

Now let's bring in some more facts. As we know the distance between the Sun and Earth is 93 Million Miles. Light from the Sun takes nearly 8 minutes to reach earth, Therefore, once the Sun disappears in a flash, it would take nearly 8 minutes for us to witness the darkness created due to this and, as we know, Einstein proved that no object in this universe can exceed the speed of light, which implies, even gravity is not an exception. To be more explicit, Gravity can't travel faster than light. Recall this fact, it takes nearly 8 minutes for us to witness the darkness created as a result of the disappearance of the Sun. In this case, how is it possible for us to feel the impact of Gravity alone instantaneously? This, exactly, is the problem discovered by Einstein in Newton's picture of gravity.

General Theory of Relativity

Keeping this idea as the base, Einstein did further research on the working of Gravity and wrote and submitted his paper on GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY! if we redo this Sun disappearing experiment considering the General Theory of Relativity then Gravity and light will travel at the same speed, so after the sun disappears for the next 8 minutes, the Earth will continue to move in its orbit without any impact, it's only after 8 minutes, that is, after we witness the darkness created due to sun disappearing earth will begin to drift away from its orbit, escaping sun's Gravity, and move in space in a straight line.

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